Caledon Dry

Caledon Dry

  Caledon Living, Spring 2011 ed. “Down from Canada came tales of a wonderful beverage”- early Canada Dry, Inc. slogan Exactly seventy years before Caledon would come to dot a map, the invention of ginger ale in a tiny hamlet near the Forks of the Credit would...


This is the first page of my mother’s Spring 2008 article in Caledon Living that was published shortly after the passing of my grandmother, Venta Janosik-Wronski (nee Boukalders). Her memoirs inspired me to do my Masters in History and my thesis based on her...

Candy Hearts

It was eight forty-three on one of those listless Canadian March days that make one think that winter never ends, the snow never melts, and that nothing interesting ever happens. The weak winter light filtered through the blinds of the room and stirred Alexandra from...

Nov. 3 Rob Ford Interview- Ford More Years!

Courtesy of Mr. Luke Savage                       “The weekly Ford bro-nanza has come to an end. Some highlights: – Rob Ford is very sorry. We aren’t quite sure if that’s for 1) lying about the existence of a video he denied existed while...