A few evenings ago I had the pleasure of hearing Ken Taylor, former Canadian ambassador to Iran and the same portrayed by Victor Garbor in Ben Affleck’s Argo, discuss both his experiences and his thoughts on current Canadian foreign policy at Toronto’s University...
Currently I’m living in the recent grad vortex. That’s where you used to do very well in school, used to have a direction, focus, etc., and then the minute you graduate you spiral out of control in fits of ridiculous self-indulgence and lose all sense of self and...
She remembered the summer for its smell. The summer of the garbage strike when the air was weighted with a rot that could not be ignored. One weekend that summer, she stepped onto the subway, surveying the train for a seat away from anyone else. She chose an empty...
A few weeks ago some friends and I went to Lee’s Palace, that venue of venues, the celebrated concert hallows of Toronto, for a show. Now, I’m going to be brutally honest. I don’t actually go to that many shows. I don’t go to that many shows...