First Fish brings Nunavut char and turbot from ice to table

First Fish, a five-year-old non-profit company based out of Toronto, grew out of president Michel Labbé’s involvement with Toronto-based non-profit condominium development. Labbé then grew a name for himself nationally by developing affordable housing initiatives, and...

Nunavummiuq recalls addictions struggle and journey to sobriety

Like many people who struggle with addiction, there were many factors that went into Nunavummiuq Moses Totalik’s dark journey through substance abuse. It evolved following a breakup from his first major relationship. Suddenly, Totalik’s dabbling with alcohol and...
Winter is Coming: I start at NNSL Media

Winter is Coming: I start at NNSL Media

Winter is Coming: I start at NNSL Media It’s my first week on the job as an Indigenous issues LJI reporter, and the PM comes to Yellowknife unnannounced. A few Indigenous people not allowed into the press scrum came to city hall and waited for his exit, and this woman...